The Flood of Noah and Companions (1911) by Léon Comerre. Public domain. Source: Wikipedia

The flood


1 min readJun 18, 2024


In this good world that you created
Which the saints have beheld and appreciated
The land that flowed of milk and honey
Has turned awry, cold, and bloody

Our hands, they reak of crimson blood
Unaware of the coming flood

Save us, oh Lord, from this pitious fate
Headed towards dire and tragic state
By our own hands we kill our brothers
Smearing its blood on one another

Our hands, they reak of crimson blood
Unaware of the coming flood

Out of love, as man you came
To raise the dead and heal the lame
To wash our hands of blood and sin
You gave your blood as medicine

Despite this loving, selfless plan
We still chose not to understand
Driving in the nails, our guilt sustained
The Lambs blood, on our hands remained

Our hands, they reak of crimson blood
Unaware of the coming flood

Profaning the grand sacrifice of the lamb
Severed from God, we usurp “I am”
And thus the serpent gets his way
Trapping us till judgement day

But Lord you are a merciful Lord
If we but knock, you’ll not ignore
Pour forth once again your blood

To save us from this coming flood

